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Chef For Sail

Angebote / Angebote:

Below Deck and Beyond the DunesIn the final part of his Chef for Sail trilogy, John continues his desire to travel cooking all over the world for a Macau dynasty, then one of China's richest tycoons. He sails around Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, from France thru the Suez Canal to Oman, onto the Maldives, Singapore, Palau, and then Hong Kong for a permanent berth.Tragedy strikes when he skis off a cliff in the Bosnian Alps, bedridden for a year. To recover emotionally, physically, and mentally, John moves to Queenstown, New Zealand. However, catastrophe strikes again when John and a horse fall down a cliff badly breaking his back. Lucky to walk again, a long slow painful recovery ensues, but John's love of cooking, travel and adventure outweighs anguish and the bodily pain, so he gives the yacht chef game another go.Unable to cope with the physical demands of yachting, he lands a prestigious job as an Executive Chef in Abu Dhabi, UAE, where his love of the desert and the authenticity of his new surroundings motivate writing again.Join John as he travels to over 40 countries imaginatively describing fascinating cultures, places, and faces he meets along the way. From near-death experiences, crazy billionaire antics, vile crews, and mouth-watering cuisine, this marvelously enjoyable travelogue enlightens, inspires, and entertains.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


24,50 CHF