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Angebote / Angebote:

Dr. Marlene Scott is a respected emergency room physician inside Kirkwood Memorial Hospital. Her email often inundated with lucrative offers from recruiters across the country. Having rekindled a steamy relationship with her ex-boyfriend Kurt Collison from her undergraduate days back at Rutgers, she now has the one thing that has been missing in her life. But a recent series of unexplained patient deaths following a routine procedure have rocked Memorial to its administrative core and reeling for answers to what could be a potential serial murderer in their midst. The authorities have a person of interest and it's Marlene who inconceivably shares the same DNA as the suspected killer. Detectives Roman Lee and Willow Darby must solve this deadly mystery before another patient dies and Marlene loses everything.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


22,50 CHF