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Carved Mountain War

Angebote / Angebote:

Eight months after the Border War and the arrival at the Hidden Lair things have been peaceful but busy. Everyone had worked hard to refurbish the buildings within to create homes and get settled in. A government was formed made up of fifteen members each in charge of certain needs within the lair. Eight groups of fighters have formed to keep the people of the Hidden Lair safe. Each led by the best of the Lair fighters. All are led by Greygor Josephs. Survivors and supplies are searched for by small teams of fighters who are sent out by the council into different areas of the war torn country that once was the mighty United States. Matthews's military are still a threat to all people who survived the nuclear war. Greygor who leads the Council as well as the Lair Fighters decides he wants to take a team out to explore the area around the Hidden Lair. After great debate with the council and friends he manages to get approval and takes his team out. They find some very interesting assets for the Hidden Lair in their exploration. Word arrives back to Greygor that Matthews is leading his military forces down into North Carolina with armored vehicles and is searching for the survivors who escaped him and is bent on destroying them. Greygor and Cole decide to infiltrate the camp and sabotage the vehicles and to find out the military's plans. The mission goes badly with devastating results! Only one man returns to the Hidden Lair wounded and in despair. The Lair Fighters prepare and go to battle feeling the loss of one of their greatest fighters! The Carved Mountain War could mean the end to the Hidden Lair as the fighters go up against the soldiers of the military. It is a battle between recreated medieval type weapons versus the armored might of the military!
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


27,90 CHF