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Angebote / Angebote:

Written in simple, easy to understand language, and illustrated with more than 300 detailed drawings, J. S. Zerbe's 1914 classic Carpentry for Boys remains to this day the single most comprehensive volume ever published for boys on the subject of good, old fashioned hand tool woodworking. With chapters on tools and their uses, how to grind and sharpen tools, laying out work, using the compass and the square, making joints, building roof trusses, the best woods for beginners, wood turning (complete with instructions for building your own simple turning lathe!), the proper use of stains and much, much more, Carpentry for Boys is an invaluable resource for budding carpenters of every age. While written for boys, adults just getting started in the "King of Trades" are sure to find approachable, yet genuinely useful instruction in these pages as well. Includes a glossary of nearly 200 woodworking terms.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


24,50 CHF