Career Choices For Your Soul
BücherAngebote / Angebote:
Each time we arrive at a career or a job choice, this is a natural time in out lives when we are actually being called to really ask "Where should my Life be going next? What Life do I want to live? What are the next steps in my life's calling, or my life's purpose? Am I living in harmony with and achieving my true goals and values? How, and by how much, do I want to change the circumstances of my life, the directions it is taking, and the priorities that I need to pursue? How will my career or job support my Life choices?"
It is to assist in answering these questions that this book is directed. It is about a way of thinking, a mindset, a view of work that should be the context for one's career path decisions. If you are secure and comfortable in the career directions you are pursuing, this book is not for you. If not, if your circumstances are changing or a quiet nudging is stirring inside of you, perhaps there is something worthwhile for you in these pages.
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