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Big Brands Are Watching You

Angebote / Angebote:

Corporations no longer simply aspire to rule the world! At the confluence of global crises and digitally enabled calls for accountability, today's businesses must market themselves as morally just, if not social-justicely driven. Drawing from a remarkable array of literatures, archives, exhibitions, and perspectives, Francesca Sobande brilliantly captures the shifting stakes surrounding what contemporary corporations stand for and how they strive to enact it and represent it."—Anthony Kwame Harrison, Edward S. Diggs Professor in Humanities, Virginia Tech "Sobande offers an insightful exploration into the relationship among consumer culture, social justice, and digital culture. This book is a must-read for scholars, practitioners, and anyone interested in understanding the interrelated state of branding practices and current political actions. Delving into the mechanisms of 'how brands watch people and how people watch brands' is eye-opening for marketing professionals as well as for conscientious consumers."—Dina Rasolofoarison, Associate Professor of Marketing and Communication, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL
Erscheint im Februar


119,00 CHF