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  • Biblical Principles for Interpreting God's Word

Biblical Principles for Interpreting God's Word

Angebote / Angebote:

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15) The pastor, evangelist, Bible teacher, or simply a Christian who desires to know and serve the Lord better, can greatly benefit from being able to correctly interpret the Bible and then apply it in their lives and the lives of others. No one can apply God's word unless they know it and that begins with an accurate interpretation. God cannot bless His word that is incorrectly interpreted which makes biblical interpretation vital. He has not left us in the dark as to how to interpret His word. The Lord explains "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation." (2 Peter 1:20) Our Creator has given us a precise method that anyone can apply with a little understanding and effort. The purpose of this book is to take the mystery out of interpreting the Bible and to show God's method of interpretation. By applying God's principles of interpretation, a person develops the skills needed to rightly know what God has said. This is letting God interpret His revelation to us. "Biblical Principles of Biblical Interpretation" has been used in several schools and colleges in their Biblical Interpretation courses. It is written on a level that anyone can understand and apply.
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