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Belief Therapy Volume II

Angebote / Angebote:

To understand Belief Therapy, it is necessary to understand that the primary, most revolutionary and perhaps remarkable tenet of Belief Therapy is also its most simple. It is that: there is nothing wrong with us. We are already OK. There is nothing to fix and there never was. Oddly enough, it is often our attempts to fix ourselves that leads to our dis-ease. The "problem" is our belief in our brokenness. This belief causes complusive, self and/or other destructive behavior, which then creates "evidence" of our brokenness, continuing the self-fulfilling prophecy of desperation and limitation. Once the belief in our brokenness takes hold, our options become limited. We either attempt to fix what was never broken, which creates distress, dis-ease and obsessive/compulsive behavior, or, we give up trying to fix ourselves, accept the belief in our brokenness or "badness" and subsequently act in limiting and destructive ways. Either direction lends to a path which lacks the quality and joy that is our birthright. By adopting the tenents of Belief Therapy and recognizing our inherent and pre-existing "goodness, " we lose these limiting and complsive behaviors and recognize our freedom to choose a life of quality. To begin this process, it is first necessary to examine the inner world of our beliefs. I invite you to share that journey with me.
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