Beautiful Waters
BücherAngebote / Angebote:
On their honeymoon, two women journey to Oregon and encounter the deeper, painful springs of the state's history while learning from the land and water how to live, and love, in new ways. Oregon is thought to have been a Native American word for "beautiful waters." In this volume of poetry with the same name, Beautiful Waters, the landscapes of nation and state are seen through the eyes of a woman in love. On her honeymoon in Oregon with her new wife, the poet takes readers with her on a journey through the element of water as a representation of our heart's deepest natural powers: vulnerability, intimacy, and renewal. The seven poems with titles like "Clouds, " "Falls, " and "Springs, " move beneath the obvious, personal streams into the deeper, underground histories of Westward Expansion, Native American removal, industrialization and commercialization, and environmental destruction. And yet throughout, there are rainbows, blends of color and light and water, leading us to hope for something greater. Beautiful Waters, in the end, shows what might spring from facing these histories: an understanding of our shared connection to the land with its promise of healing our wounds as we learn to live, and love, in new ways.
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