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Be My Good Friend

Angebote / Angebote:

This is a children's book. It is a morality tale that teaches children that people should be judged on their character, not on how much money they have, where they live or what kind of car they drive.In the story, two characters that have nothing in common and would probably never meet in a regular social setting are thrust into a relationship due to a minor car accident.Before the characters meet they are struggling with their individual identities and the expectations society has on them. One character, Mr. Goodfriend, a tall and lanky starving-artist type is trying to keep his head above water, make a decent living and has just saved enough money to buy a used, but reliable, compact car. The other character, Mr. Beemy, is a tiny, portly, well-to-do gentleman caught up in all of the trappings that come with a life in the upper echelon, including the fancy automobile.The reader soon becomes aware of the juxtaposition of a tall man crammed into a tiny car and a small man riding around in a huge luxury car and the silliness involved in trying to conform to what society deems to be appropriate behavior based on social class. Additionally, the reader realizes that how people treat one another is what is truly important.After the fender bender the characters have a chance to share conversation, food and have an epiphany. Why not be comfortable in one's own skin, and one's own car for that matter? The two trade cars, become comrades and realize that put together their last names are: BE MY GOOD FRIEND.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


24,90 CHF