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Angebote / Angebote:

Back to God's Country and Other Stories" through James Oliver Curwood is a captivating collection of wilderness tales that transport readers into the heart of the Canadian North. Curwood, a prolific author within the early 20th century, excels in depicting the raw beauty and harsh realities of the untamed wilderness. The memories on this collection are wealthy with adventure, exploring the lives of trappers, explorers, and indigenous humans as they navigate the unforgiving landscapes of the northern barren region. Curwood's prose is vivid and immersive, portray a bright photo of the breathtaking yet perilous surroundings. At the center of many narratives is the indomitable spirit of survival and the complicated relationships between people and the herbal world. Curwood's deep appreciation for nature is obvious as he weaves memories that capture the essence of the wild, celebrating its majesty and unforgiving nature. "Back to God's Country" is a standout tale in the series, recognised for its suspense and intensity. It follows the harrowing journey of a lady named Dolores LeBeau as she faces the challenges of the desert, along with encounters with both nature's ferocity and human treachery.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


23,90 CHF

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