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Authentic Blackness ¿ «Real» Blackness

Angebote / Angebote:

Authentic Blackness - «Real» Blackness explores and explains the idea of authenticity, of «keeping it real, » as it relates to the multi-faceted meanings of blackness in the United States and the world. Including reflections on hip-hop, comedy, literature, intellectual history, and autobiography, the collection gives both a broad overview of and intervenes in the debates concerning blackness. A comprehensive introductory essay outlines the history of the idea of «authentic blackness, » while other chapters examine the contours of blackness in Canada and Jamaica, the relationship between middle-class status and «real» blackness, the link between «blackness» and hip-hop culture, Dave Chappelle's comedy, and the work of James Baldwin, Countee Cullen, Clarence Major, and John Edgar Wideman as it comments on authenticity in relation to race.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


166,00 CHF