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Anthology of Faith

Angebote / Angebote:

The Anthology of faith is a compilation of expressions that were written in a particularly tumultuous phase of our recent history where the author's beliefs and values are continuously tested by events and philosophies that drove polarization across the society. Deeply disturbed and affected by the continuous running down of the common man by the machinery that uses the common man's faith and vulnerabilities to drive an agenda of power and prosperity of the few, the author, through the verses in the compilation, uses allegory, allusions and symbolism to describe his struggles in the intersection of warring values and beliefs. In the verses we see explorations of sacrifice, duty, love, loss, discovery, helplessness, death and collective social apathy. The books starts through an introduction in verse where the author talks about being inspired by the ordinary, traverses through a web of complex, and often layered emotions, ending with the short, and random thoughts that are not quite in harmony with the emotions that have been captured in the compilation
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


14,50 CHF

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