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Always Say a Prayer

Angebote / Angebote:

What good does praying really do?... Ever feel like your prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling? Ever wonder why things aren't going the way you thought they should or why others don't seem to be struggling quite like you are? Ever felt like no one really loves you or understands what you're going through? For the believers in Christ Jesus, maybe it's because your prayer life isn't all it should or could be. . . . Like any parent or grandparent who longs to hear from the kids who've struck out on their own, heavenly Father longs to hear from each of us. He loves us more than we can imagine and wants to be a part of everything we do and every challenge we face. The only catch is, we have to ask or invite Him into our daily lives. He won't force His will on us. One of the first gifts He gave mankind was the right of choice and for the most part, He won't violate that. He knows that any obedience or affection that is imposed and not volunteered is nothing more than slavery and without value. He hurts when you are hurt and He wants you to have the best He can provide. This in no way means bad things won't happen, but with Him things just seem like they're no problem as soon as we take it to Him in prayer. He delights in helping us make our lives better, just like parents and grandparents do. On the other hand, the devil doesn't honor the same rules. If we don't choose to include God, then the devil gets to have unfettered influence on our lives and that's never good. Sometimes God may let us skin our knees to keep us from breaking our necks, but He always wants what's best for us... Prayer is both a means of personal intimacy with the most loving, caring, tender hearted, generous and powerful being in all the universe as well as the most awesomely powerful tool in a believer's arsenal against the evils and torments of this life for yourselves as well as those you may be led to pray for. In this book, the Holy Spirit shared some very powerful and emotionally charged p
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