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Angebote / Angebote:

Following the disaster of her failed common-law marriage to Justin, Monica must now adapt to her unwanted single life. The pain in her heart is so great that everyday living is a challenge. At work, men are a constant problem which she must learn to cope with diplomatically in order to advance. With the help of her assistant and devoted friend, Edith, she learns how to excel at her job. Although she finds men useful in her quest to achieve as much success as possible at work, she believes that she can live without them, or so she thinks! To keep herself from getting hurt by another man ever again, she makes up rules that she uses as a guide to keep from falling into bad relationships. Will these rules still work for her when changes to her family life and a sudden health condition threaten to derail her carefully planned life and her future? Will a man eventually conquer her damaged heart and make her feel loved again? Alert! follows Monica on her journey to find the life of love and romance that she has always wanted!
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


51,50 CHF

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