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Angebote / Angebote:

A breast cancer diagnosis at forty-nine forces Christine Shields Corrigan, a wife, mom, and meticulous list-maker, to confront her deepest fears of illness, death, and loss of control as she struggles to face cancer again. From the discovery of a "junky" cyst, to chemotherapy and surgery, sleepless nights filled with rosaries and "what ifs, " and shifting family dynamics, her adult experience mirrors her teen bout with Hodgkin's lymphoma, with one exception-she no longer has parents keeping her in the dark. With the ghosts of cancer past hovering around her, Chris falls into the same overprotective traps her taciturn Irish-Catholic parents created, striving to keep her family's life "normal, " when it is anything but, and soldiering through on her own, until a neighbor's unexpected advice and gift move her to accept others' help. With fierce honesty, poignant reflection, and good humor, Chris shares a journey filled with sorrow, grace, forgiveness, and resilience, as she wends her way through cancer for the second time. Again offers practical guidance and hope to individuals that they have the strength to forge a path beyond a diagnosis.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


37,90 CHF

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