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Angebote / Angebote:

This is the story of Abel Myers, an award winning journalist, who is on a quest to become sober. Not only is he fighting the disease of being an alcoholic he is also trying to resurrect his writing career. After bantering with his editor, Abel settles on writing an article about a traveling evangelist. This encounter challenges Abel to re-evaluate his own faith walk. In the story Abel, alcohol is emblematic of any sin that prevents us from experiencing God in His fullness. Examples of these sins are many: anger, fear, jealousy, cravings, addiction, or judgment of others, un-confessed sin and so on. These sins stand between us and God, blocking us from the beauty and fullness of His love. Sadly, we are much like Abel when it comes to confessing our relationship to a sinful habit. We are prone to think that it is a manageable thing. In fact, we most often refuse to acknowledge that we are sinful at all. Join Abel as he struggles to become both sober and saved, and he does it not a minute too late. As he will soon find out, time is not on his side.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


29,90 CHF