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Angebote / Angebote:

By Joss Smith Weston ISBN: 9781847470850 Published: 2007 Pages: 247 Key Themes: manic depression, bi-polar disorder, poetry Description This eccentric book is an attempt to make manic depression more widely understood given the stigmatism that it is usually associated with. The illness creates a jaundiced perception of people and reality and it is probably for this reason that the characters' names are changed, otherwise it is a real story. However, there is no distinction between reality and dreams. It is not a story about success, victory or triumph, although equally given the circumstances it is also not one of failure either. It is a journey that starts in normality and ends in the opposite corner, beginning with a disturbed and violent dream. The book charts the experiences of Joss through Africa and Australia, marriage and running a business. On a few occasions the narrative fails and the author expresses his nightmares, secret thoughts, imagery and disbeliefs in poetry. The sudden loss of control, or sanity and his arrival in a mental asylum and the view from inside is both very distressing and strangely humorous. It ends on a note of poignancy, recalling Joss' supposed recovery and his attempted assimilation back into society. A fascinating and thoroughlty engaging read, a must for anybody who wishes to further understand the thoughts and actions of a manic depressive. About the Author Joss has been a Company Director and is now a student at the Open University. Joss is a republican who does not use products that have been tested on animals, prefers to buy second hand clothes from Oxfam, reads the Telegraph and listens to Radio Four. His experiences include, seeing a UFO, scratching a white rhino and a tarantula's stomach, riding an ostrich and he has been in a high-speed police car chase. Joss has run the Comrades Marathon (89 kilometres) in 7 hours 29 minutes and 59 seconds. For nine years Joss was a vegetarian, did not eat chocolate, or drink alcohol. He is a one-time member of Green Peace, votes Labour, is a pacifist, asthmatic, left hander, bow-legged, has one kidney and suffers from manic depression.
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