A Teacher Appears
BücherAngebote / Angebote:
Are you a student who is ready for a teacher? If so, then welcome to "A Teacher Appears". A As a twenty-two-year-old sales rep in a small town in the Pacifi c Northwest, Lori Toye had never even thought about meditation, let alone asking spirit teachers for help. But all that changed in 1983 when she got a middle-of-the-night bedside "visit" from Master Saint Germain, an eighteenth-century Frenchman and "Ascended Master" . . . who later returned with four of his friends-teachers in white robes who presented a map of America with a new geography, along with a message: it is time for worldwide healing. Despite her questions and doubts, Lori surrendered to their requests and began disseminating their wisdom and messages-the earliest of which are published for the fi rst time in A Teacher Appears.Why is it helpful to get information from spirit entities? How and why should we change? We've noticed the drama going on in our weather, on the planet, in our culture. What is that about? What about manifesting money, what about fear, social disharmony, and my excruciating headaches? What am I doing here, how can I prepare for my future, and why on earth would spirit entities need my help? Lori asked these questions and many more. "A Teacher Appears" offers fi fty-one small but simple channeled lessons about Earth Change and humanity's opportunity to open to and accept the I AM Presence-your individualized presence of God. All it requires is inspiration, appreciation, love, and a good teacher.
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