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A Tale of Two Lilies

Angebote / Angebote:

We heard about the birth of water lily from clay. In this way two buds of water lily took birth in the clayey water. Thereafter several days passed. These buds began to be blooming within the polluted atmosphere. And once they opened their smiling face towards the sun. The fragrance of lotus floated in the air but didn't get the opportunity to behold that clay-born lotus. The butterfly smelling the aroma of white & red lotus reached to make boon companionship with it. But unfortunately, we couldn't go near her to open our heart expressing our fondness to her. The human being may take birth in the indigent domestic life. But alike lotus he or she may arise as a superhuman or a man/woman with supernatural power due to dominance of will-force. The wave of his or her fragrance, her effulgence, her scintillation, her infallible humanity spreads all over the world. In one case, the gloomy lives of the countless patients were illuminated by the inundation of beam of light. Human life is mortal. But the mortality of human beings can be transformed into immortality through the performance of good & virtuous deeds. The credentials, the milestone of the glorious deeds of this celebrated person are being appeared in the world with the rising head. Now, I will narrate the life stories of two great women, who beside all the obstructions, they achieved the lime light in life due to their will force and endless endeavour.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


22,90 CHF