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A Prophet for the Third Millennium

Angebote / Angebote:

To many people Christianity represents the all too familiar, "unscientific myth" they have known all their lives. The tenets of Christianity seem too bleak, narrow and restrictive. Yet within the narrow confines of the "Thou shalt nots..." lies an extraordinary rich source of mystery, miracles and ideals, opening doors into the inner world of the self. The 21st Century is about to begin and a modern prophet is required. "But verily, not one jot or tittle may pass from the law, till all is fulfilled". How then is a new prophet to express the old? The 2000 preceding years of Christian tradition are now concentrated into one small being, born into traditional convent life. But not only God makes plans. In another Convent, another individual, is extracting very different meanings from the same teachings. And as the new millennium dawns, a showdown is inevitable.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


58,50 CHF

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