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A Pictish Tale

Angebote / Angebote:

The Taezali Picts guard all our unborn spirits in the haven of the 'Bryhery Gap'. Soon, outside forces will threaten the stability of these souls. With the future children of all races' 'ability to choose' in doubt, the Picts, under the guidance of the Pan, the 'spirit of nature', prepare for battle with the creator of their world. They are assisted by Elfs, Finns and Gridolers. Can Pan maintain a balance between order and chaos, or will Thoth win the battle to control humanity throughout eternity? An easy to read, generally light-hearted, tale for people of all ages. Older readers will enjoy the enlightening philosophy in the story, whilst younger readers will just like hearing an original story for a change. All however, will see the moral of the tale, when nature identifies human activity as the cause of imbalance, then it will remove the source of that imbalance.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


49,50 CHF