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A History of Deception

Angebote / Angebote:

In a time of wars and buccaneers, a young country, and its young lovers, searched for truth and understanding. Set during the War of 1812, A History of Deception follows the lives of Captain Daniel Miller and Antoinette Baudelaire as they traverse the Northern Frontier on the war's front and then the French-Canadian aristocracy. They get caught up in the lies, schemes, and deceptions of war while caught up in the lies, schemes, and deceptions of their own relationship. They work and love together, but Daniel Miller plots to infiltrate a smuggling ring in order to help James Madison and the Americans defeat the British while Antoinette plots to twist his efforts to help Bonaparte and France. Follow the twists and turns of war and scandals as you follow the twists and turns of the lovers' deceptive relationship. Discover as the young lovers do that the only true deception is self-deception and discover why their relation is truly A History of Deception.
Folgt in ca. 10 Arbeitstagen


35,50 CHF