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A Companionable Way

Angebote / Angebote:

In today's polarized publics, we are rarely prepared to encounter one another peaceably and deeply across irreconcilable difference. A Companionable Way invites inquisitive minds, body-souls, and spiritual hearts into the delightful but demanding inner work required for peaceable encounters with integrity across interreligious and intercultural difference. Unmet yearnings and the unconscious refusal of deep feeling in so many of our cultures need redress, not only within scholarly-analytical habits of mind but also in aging communal "containers" not adept at holding deep feeling without harm. Ancient but 'new' containers today--webs of spiritual friendship and circle-way communities of practice--offer hope for new learning and formative encounters with difference toward an expressive delight able to companion the suffering of self and others. Part memoir of a deep-feeling academic, part toolbox for the curiously contemplative, A Companionable Way witnesses to the deeply rooted Sacred available to each of us in a return to the body, devotion in conscious love, and new ways of being human together across irreconcilable difference, held gently in a patient and living wisdom particular to each but needed by all. "What a profoundly life-affirrming book! A Companionable Way is a brilliant, honest, wise, heart/mind/soul-opening invitation to live with courage, discernment, and love. Never have we needed cartographers of the spirit and bridge-builders between worlds, between traditions, between words and silence, between our seeking and finding, the hidden and revealed, the I and the we, the ancient and the new, the path and the pathless more deeply than today. Lisa Hess is poly-lingual in the habits of the heart, and this very important book will transform your life." IRWIN KULA, President Clal, The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership Lisa M. Hess is Professor of Practical Theology at United Seminary (Ohio) and a graduate of the 2013 Conscious Feminine Leadership Academy with Women Writing for (a) Change. Author of Artisanal Theology and Learning in a Musical Key, she is a companion, contemplative, scholar, poet, and teaching-elder (PCUSA) who serves the common good as an active leader in traditional and nontraditional communities of practice.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


52,50 CHF