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50 Psychology Classics

Angebote / Angebote:

50 Psychology Classics is a thinking person's guide to popular psychology. In a journey that spans fifty books, hundreds of ideas and over a century in time, it explores key figures in psychology's development, providing crucial insights into the mind, personality and human nature: who we are, how we think, and what we do.EXPLORE the human condition through the great thinkers in psychology:Alfred Adler on human nature - Albert Bandura on self-efficacy - Isabel Briggs-Myers on personality type - Hans Eysenck on the four dimensions of personality - Albert Ellis on emotions - Erik Erikson on identity crises - Anna Freud on defense mechanisms - Sigmund Freud on dreams - Eric Hoffer on mass psychology - Karen Horney on inner conflicts - Carl Jung on the collective unconscious - Alfred Kinsey on sexual psychology - Melanie Klein on envy - Abraham Maslow on human potential - Stanley Milgram on obedience to authority - IP Pavlov on conditioning - Carl Rogers on counselling - Jean Piaget on child psychology - BF Skinner on the power of environment DISCOVER the findings of contemporary research and practice:Susan Cain on introversion - Carol Dweck on mindset - Martin Gilbert on happinessMalcolm Gladwell on intuition - John Gottman on marriage - Temple Grandin on autism - Stephen Grosz on self-delusion - Daniel Kahneman on thinking - Walter Mischel on self-control - Leonard Mlodinow on the subconscious - Steven Pinker on nature vs nurture - VS Ramachandran on neurology - Barry Schwartz on the burden of choiceGAIN the essence of great writings in psychology:The Nature of Prejudice - The Female Brain - Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion - A Guide To Rational Living - The Will To Meaning - The Nature of Love - I'm OK - You're OK - The Divided Self - Gestalt Therapy - The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat - Authentic Happiness - Difficult Conversations - Darkness Visible
Folgt in ca. 2-3 Arbeitstagen


27,50 CHF