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Angebote / Angebote:

It's 2018, and a second holocaust looms over Israel, this time at the hands of a nuclear Iran and its proxies. Our three heroes Yerachmiel, his daughter Leah, and her new husband Boaz are convinced that God will return to the Jewish people and bring them salvation only if the Jewish people return to biblical Judaism. To achieve this aim, Yerachmiel convenes a modern-day Sanhedrin (council of sages) whose members agree to rewrite Jewish law. At the same time, Leah and Boaz oversee the building of a Mishkan, a portable tabernacle identical to the one built by the Israelites in the desert, and galvanise the nation behind the project. But as plans for the Mishkan take shape, Hamas executes a tunnel attack into the Mishkan construction site, plunging the nation into a possible Armageddon. The foibles of Israeli society and the follies of its politics are given a surprising twist in this satirical imagining of the not-so-distant future. 2018 sheds unexpected light on an embattled society at the forefront of a clash of civilisations.
Folgt in ca. 15 Arbeitstagen


34,90 CHF